Finding a new friend

Last summer I found out that I was losing my much loved cat of over 15 years and I was completely devastated. I felt like the only thing that might help was knowing that losing her was making room for another cat that needed a home. I stumbled in to see Ena and asked if she had an affectionate, young, short haired female cat that I could adopt, but it was like all she need to do was look at me and know just the cat that was right for me. She presented me with a young, affectionate, long haired male cat. He was nothing like what I thought I was looking for, but we were perfect for each other. It didn’t take me long at all to realize Ena was right and that the two of us were made for each other. He’s been my faithful companion and friend for over a year now, and I wouldn’t trade him for anything. I don’t know how she knew exactly which of her 200 cats was the right one for me within a few minutes of meeting me, but I’m very grateful that she did!